Fostering Support Matters

With 25 years experience providing Independent Support to Foster Carers subject to allegations and complaints; from Standard of Care issues to Child Protection, Fostering Support has been there for you and for your family. The unique funding format ensures subscribers receive immediate support on self referral, no need for a referral to be made on your behalf, no waiting for fostering service to commission, no waiting for the commissioned service to make contact, no limit to the support hours available to you. Subscribe today for peace of mind, £104 per household per year.

Terms and Conditions

Please be aware that Fostering Households that are not subscription holders at the time of an allegation or complaint, may still use the service but at a cost of £65 per hour. It is therefore of vital importance, to avoid a costly bill (on average £650) Households must prior subscribe to qualify for unlimited support at £2 per week.

girl in pink long sleeve shirt playing with girl in pink long sleeve shirt
girl in pink long sleeve shirt playing with girl in pink long sleeve shirt

There by your side

Safer Care bulletins, Information and Advice, Emotional Support, Help writing and responding to reports, Advocacy at Panel, Mediation, representation at the Independent Review Mechanism. Comparisons from your Annual Reviews and Supervision Records against National Fostering Standards create your defence whilst highlighting your good practice (See Welcome). Fostering Support Matters for your continued Registration. If however, after your Registration is renewed, you want to change Fostering Services we can help you with that too via our friends at Simply Fostering.

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person holding hands
Message from founder Debra Gibbs

Being a foster carer myself and advocating on behalf of the County‘s Foster Carers, it became clear to me that a cloak of silence was wrapped around allegations and complaints, leaving colleagues confused about why children have been removed and their names no longer available on the vacancies board. Fast forward 15 years when involved in writing the 1999 National Standards, Fostering Support Matters was born with independent advocacy as a matter of right. 25 years later we have supported in excess of 1000 Foster Carers meaning retained registrations and a continued workforce.


“Through our complaint, Fostering Support Matters made us feel secure – ultimately professional. They treated us like human beings. We would recommend Fostering Support Matters in a heartbeat. We would not have continued fostering without their support. Thank you x”

Caroline and Martin: Hampshire

Reference from our Mentor

Dear Debra
Thank you for asking me to record the successful outcomes of working together over many years.
Our initial contact was when I was Head of Children’s Services in Surrey and you were both a very able foster carer to some very challenging young people and also Chair of the Surrey Foster Carer’s Association. In this role you were able to give our foster carers a voice that enabled both senior managers and County Councillors to have a far better understanding of the demands placed on you all and hence we improved your terms and conditions and hence the retention rate. You also organised some superb conferences building support networks and improving the skills of Foster Carers
This level of understanding and problem resolution that you acquired lead you naturally into the long term role of advocate for carers subject to an allegation of inappropriate behaviour by a fostered child. I was very pleased to act as both a mentor and sounding board for your work and the successful resolution you achieved in so many cases was much admired both by professionals and foster carers. Again the retention rates you achieved demonstrated the value of both your investigatory and mediation skills.
Finally after I became the Director of the newly set up Department of Social Services in Southampton you carried out a superb piece of work in resolving the somewhat unhappy relationship between foster carers and the social workers. The outcome was a far more constructive relationship and far better support from the department for this invaluable service
Kind regards

Dr John Beer OBE
Former Director of Social Services
Southampton City Council

‘Suddenly I found myself in a whirlwind of confusion, uncertain of which way to turn. Everyone else involved too, we were just reacting to crisis, it was getting us nowhere, Being the one person who really understood the child and the big picture relating to what was actually going on, yet no one took much notice of that let only listened to me. I became more and more frustrated. It was such a relief to talk to Debra at Fostering Support Matters, she helped me raise my voice so it was heard, she confirmed my reasoning and empowered me to take control of a situation which was fast getting out of hand. She gave me the confidence to push for the outcome which was in the best interests of the child, which was thankfully, achieved in the end. Thank you, Debra, for your very professional yet understanding support.'

Belinda: Isle of Wight

Earlier this year my partner and I received an allegation. This was completely unseen and I don’t think we could have done much to guard against it. Being a member of Fostering Support Matters I contacted Debra for help. I am glad we are members as we received emotional support and expert advice. If you’ve not been through an allegation, it’s a tough, stressful and testing time. With help, we managed to provide our own Panel report to get our views across and were unanimously voted to be able to continue fostering. I was advised many years ago to subscribe at ‘skills to foster’ and I’m pleased I did. Allegations are fairly common and it saddens me to think of how many good carers have fallen by the way-side due to what are completely unfounded accusations.

Mike and Fran; Plymouth.

“Ann, we would like to thank you for your advice and support during our allegation process with Kirklees. Your knowledge of the relevant National Minimum Standards in particular was very useful and highlights the serious shortcomings in the way our Local Authority conducted their processes. We intend to put together a document for any other foster carers in a similar position.”

Graham and Linda; Kirklees